openSUSE:交流/ニュースグループ (Usenet)
Usenet (Newsgroups)
Usenet operates in a similar fashion to mailing lists. It consists of newsgroups to which you have to subscribe using newsgroup reader software, such as KNode.
You have to connect to a Usenet server and reader software will pull list of newsgroups. Select groups that you want to read (this is called subscribe) and you are good to go. Most of Internet Service Providers (ISP) have newsgroups servers and will provide you with information how to configure usenet client.
Usenet may also be available via third-party Web clients, but their services may often be limited and subject to additional costs. The most prominent is Google groups, that works excellent as a search engine, but you can't post to all newsgroups and some newsgroups communities don't like the default format of messages produced by their web interface (alt.os.linux.suse).
For in-depth information about Usenet, see wikipedia:Usenet.
The Newsgroups
The newsgroups hosted on Novell server
Other SUSE Newsgroups
- alt.os.linux.suse 交流が盛んなニュースグループ
- gmane.linux.suse.opensuse.user openSUSE(開発)プロジェクトに関する一般的な議論。
- gmane.linux.suse.opensuse.devel openSUSE Linuxの開発バージョンについての議論。Factory版やアルファ版/ベータ版も含みます。
- gmane.linux.suse.opensuse.optimize openSUSE Linuxの最適化関連の話題。
- gmane.linux.suse.opensuse.packaging RPMパッケージ関連のニュースグループ。
- gmane.linux.suse.general リリース済みの のopenSUSE/SUSE Linuxの話題。
- openSUSE/SUSE Linuxのセキュリティ・アナウンス。投稿はできません(購読のみ)。
- openSUSE/SUSE Linuxのセキュリティに関する議論。
- gmane.linux.suse.kde openSUSE/SUSE Linux のKDEデスクトップ関連の議論。
- gmane.linux.suse.ppc PowerPCアーキテクチャのSUSE Linux関連。