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このページは誰もが気軽にメーリングリストへ参加できるようにするために書かれています。ですから、もしすでにあなたがopenSUSEのメーリングリストに投稿してしまった後にこのページをご覧になったとしても、気にしないでください。 メーリングリストには以下のような簡単な最小限のルールがあります。 |
Note: 単に記入スタイルに関して警告している電子メールを記入することは無意味です。 新規のopenSUSE電子メールユーザは良い感じを受けないで去るでしょう。 |
Good subjects | 1) Scroll horizontally by holding down Alt-key doesn't work 2) MD5s match MD5SUMS file, but not installation MD5 check |
Bad subjects | 1) Major problem 2) issue |
Much more about good and bad subjects:
- Help written by Linux veterans Eric Raymond and Rick Moen to computer users that have a problem, yet don't know how to ask right question and get straight answer.
- The quoting HOWTO では適切な引用方法を説明してくれています。
Bottom post means that your reply underneath the quoted text and leads to a natural flow of quoted messages that is easy to read and to reply.
We are discussing topics that include comments to:
- output of a command, configuration files, program code that often contains multiple lines,
- groups of tests performed to troubleshoot the problem,
and we need the style that will allow inserted comments in quotes of original message with space after all comments for a summary or next batch of proposals how to solve the problem.
Need for this style is amplified with a fact that we often live in different time zones, so giving one option, than wait another day for the answer, to give another proposal, will be waste of time and discussion will stretch over days. We are trying to go around this, by offering more options at once.
So time and practice brought the general consensus that this is a better way to communicate on this list. Other lists can have different operating conditions and they can consider some other posting style as the most appropriate.
Re:kde icon blinks - is that an Xfree problem?
多くのリスト参加者は、問題を抱えている人たちに誠実に答えようとしてくれています。メールの下部にあまりにも長い署名を付けると、メール本文そのものを圧迫し、その気持ちを妨げることになります。署名は4行以内で、各行に80文字程度(もちろんPlain textで)というのが適切なガイドラインです。詳しくは次を参照してください。
Don't post Off Topic emails to the mail lists
Each list is created to discuss one part of the openSUSE activity. The topic is posted on Communicate/Mailinglists page next right to the links for subscription and help. Please stay within this realm and help reduce the volume of unrelated posts to any list.
It may seem interesting to discuss topics not related to openSUSE as listed on Communicate/Mailinglists page and for that purpose is created opensuse-offtopic@opensuse.org list, so be kind and use it for any topic you like. P.S. It has to be off topic otherwise it is off topic for this list :-)
Do not use HTML
Most of openSUSE mail lists users have HTML turned off for many reasons (1). HTML message looks strange as a plain text and it is hard to read. People will avoid it if possible, or complain asking you to post in plain text if they can't skip it.
(1) Believe it or not there are still many people who are forced to use metered dialup connections to the internet and posting to the list using html adds considerably to their costs. So please show consideration to _all_ list members and post using plain text email only. (2) Some properties of HTML are misused by spammers to harvest email addresses and good email client programs are set not to use HTML, except by user request. That makes HTML post unreadable and people just skip them.
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