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openSUSE Conference edit

openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017 が 10 月 21 日から 22 日にかけて、日本・調布市にある電気通信大学にて開催されました。。

openSUSE カンファレンス 2017 が 5 月 26 日から 28 日にかけてドイツ・ニュルンベルクにある Z-Bau にて開催されました。

openSUSE カンファレンス 2016 (oSC16) が 2016 年 6 月 22 日から 26 日にかけてドイツ・ニュルンベルクにある Z-Bau にて開催されました。ここからビデオを見ることができます。

openSUSE カンファレンス 2015 (oSC15) が 2015 年 5 月 1 日から 4 日にかけてオランダの美しい都市ハーグにて開催されました。ここからビデオを見ることができます。

oSC15 にはこの主要な Linux ディストリビューションの一つについて協力している、多くのフリー/オープンソース貢献者が集まりました。活発な発表やワークショップ、社会イベントを通じて、openSUSE のスローガンである「Have a lot of fun」を実践することができました。

より詳しく知るには conference web サイトを参照してください。

In the news edit


Python 3.13 RC2, with and without GIL
Python 3.13 RC2 is now available in Tumbleweed. This new version of the Python interpreter will be released in October 2024. There is a lot of changes and new features in 3.13, but we’re also bri...
admin@opensuse.org (Daniel García Moreno) 2024 Sep 11
Slowroll Updates Boost Stability, Enhance Performance
As Slowroll continues its journey, the latest updates released on August 30 and two on Sept. 2 with snapshot 20240902T0137 and snapshot 20240902T2146 have brought a slew of maintenance packages tha...
admin@opensuse.org (Douglas DeMaio) 2024 Sep 02
Tumbleweed Monthly Update - August 2024
Welcome to the monthly update for Tumbleweed for August 2024. This month has been a productive period with significant progress and updates. The rolling-release team is making headway on longer-ter...
admin@opensuse.org (Douglas DeMaio) 2024 Aug 29


openSUSE カンファレンス 2017 のハッシュタグは #osc17 です

Code of Conduct edit

openSUSE カンファレンスチームにとって重要なことは、全ての人が受け入れられ、歓迎されていると感じられる環境を作ることです。全ての参加者がCode of Conductに従って振舞い、いかなる不適切な振舞いに対しても断固とした行動をとることを望んでいます。

Sponsors edit

The openSUSE Conference would not be possible without our sponsors.

The openSUSE community is a global community contributing to the openSUSE project in an effort to promote the use of openSUSE, Linux, and FOSS worldwide. Development in all areas relies on voluntary contributions. Friendly interaction and open collaboration is encouraged in an environment of cooperation, across cultural backgrounds and different levels of expertise, where innovation flourishes and the boundaries of FOSS are expanded.

The openSUSE conference is the annual openSUSE community event that brings people from around the world together to meet and collaborate. The organized talks, workshops, and BoF sessions provide a framework around more casual meet ups and hack sessions. A party here and there provides the time to relax and have fun, making connections on a more personal level.

The openSUSE conference 2017 takes place at the Z Bau in Nürnberg, Germany, May 26 - 28.

Great reasons to sponsor the openSUSE Conference

The event is organized by volunteers, who dedicate their time and effort to create one of the outstanding FOSS events of 2017, promoting collaboration and presenting new technologies. All sponsors funds are used for the conference.

As a sponsor you enable the content to be free of charge for everyone.

Enable those contributors with financial constraints to attend the event through openSUSE Travel Support Program (https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Travel_Support_Program)

Gain visibility to people involved and interested in information technology and FOSS.

Financial support for the openSUSE conference from sponsors is invaluable and crucial for the success of the event. While the countless hours extended by volunteers to orchestrate the event provide the atmosphere and framework for the conference, commercial sponsorship provides the necessary financial backing. The financial support by our sponsors allows us to allocate funds for the venue, create marketing material, secure keynote speakers, and assist those that contribute to openSUSE but with some financial constraints to attend the conference.

That aside, sponsors can participate in the Conference by having a booth, and help organize social events to increase both the conference atmosphere and visibility, as well as their own.

Sponsorship Package

Platinum - $5,000 - Logo on Tshirt / name on website / main sponsor / Signage visible throughout conference

Gold - $2,500 - Logo on Tshirt / on website / at registration booth / Inclusion of sponsor material in the conference welcome package

Silver - $1.500 - Logo on website / Inclusion of sponsor material in the conference welcome package

Donation - $500 and above - Donate a giveaway for the community

Sponsorship Highlights

→Promotion through the openSUSE conference website events.opensuse.org →Logo on the conference shirt →Inclusion of sponsor material in the conference welcome package →Signage visible throughout the event location →Sponsor a lunch →Prize Donations →Booth available under request

We offer partnership options to enhance the conference atmosphere. As a sponsor, your logo and name will be connected to the conference and be placed on the event's web page, among other items viewable at the conference.

Depending on the partnership options, the costs range from €500 to €5000.

Financial and support needs for the openSUSE conference from sponsors is invaluable and crucial to the success of the event. Commercial sponsorship provides the necessary financial backing for the countless hours volunteers give to orchestrate the event, which enhances the atmosphere and framework of the conference, .

Additional arrangements are always possible and we look forward to discuss options that meet your specific needs.

For questions contact:

Local contact Douglas DeMaio oSC17 ddemaio at suse.de +49 151 405 27276

All of Conference edit