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Banana Pi M2 running openSUSE Tumbleweed
Following up from my earlier post about openSUSE LTSP on Banana Pi, Nora Lee from the manufacturer of the board got in touch with me and sent me a couple of their new boards- Banana Pi M2, runs on...
Jigish Gohil Dec 03
How to create an openSUSE Banana Pi M1 image with MATE Desktop
I won a Banana Pi from ownCloud. So I tried to install openSUSE. There are 3 options: 1. According to the wiki page, you can download the image they provide but there’s no kernel support...
Efstathios Iosifidis Sep 17
Install ddclient on your openSUSE Raspberry Pi
We’ve seen two Dynamic DNS clients. We’ll see another one here. 1. First of all, install the program. $ zypper in ddclient 2. Create the confing file $ nano /etc/ddclient.conf w...
Efstathios Iosifidis May 25
Upgrade your openSUSE Raspberry Pi from 13.1 to 13.2
We’ve seen how to create an SD card. I used the 13.1 version. The wiki page https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi is not very clear (to me) about resize partitions. So I tried to u...
Efstathios Iosifidis May 24
Run copy.com on your openSUSE Raspberry Pi
A good question is why do you want to sync a folder on your Raspberry Pi with a cloud service. The answer is little complicated. It’s a subproject that I’m working on right now....
Efstathios Iosifidis May 23