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Package Description License wanted by remark
fridge/shell オブジェクト指向プログラミング言語とシェルの統合 Original open source license Users Fridge is a object oriented programing language. Fridge/shell is buiding fridge into shell. Fridge project is for hackers. If you use it,you can write a source code twice as early as other programing language.
Logwatch カスタマイズ可能なログ解析システム specific (like GPL) Admins Logwatch parses through your system's logs for a given period of time and creates a report analyzing areas that you specify, in as much detail as you require. Logwatch is easy to use and will work right out of the package on most systems.
As I got another request from a customer, this is now on the feature request list. It was also suggested to drop logdigest instead - any comments? --Holger 08:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
I also vote for logwatch. As for logdigest, I only use it because I don't have logwatch in SuSE. I suspect nobody will miss it. --Laurent 12:14, 8 June 2006 (UTC)
Fcron 定期的なコマンドスケジューラー; Vixie Cronの代わりとなり、 そのほとんどの機能を含みます。 GNU GPL Admins Fcron is a scheduler. It aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements most of its functionalities. But contrary to Vixie Cron, fcron does not need your system to be up 7 days a week, 24 hours a day: it also works well with systems which are not running neither all the time nor regularly (contrary to anacrontab). In other words, fcron does both the job of Vixie Cron and anacron, but does even more and better.
Vuurmuur netfilter/iptablesのミドルエンド・フロントエンド; netfilterの知識のないシステム管理者向け GNU GPL Admins The program is basicly split into three pieces. One piece (the middle-end) converts humanly-readable rules, hosts, groups, networks, zones, interfaces and services into a iptables ruleset (or optional into a bash-script). The second part is a little daemon that converts the netfiler logs to easy readable logs, that reflect all the predefined objects described above. The third part is a Ncurses-based Gui (the front-end) in which one can manage the firewall. Most important here is the real-time feedback. Logs can be viewed in real-time, using colours for easy interpretation. Also, the current connections can be viewed in real-time. Filtering possibilities make it easy to monitor specific hosts or services.
all spec files Fedora の RPM 4.4 specs のマージ various users of RPM distros Now that SUSE Factory is finally upgrading to RPM 4.4, there should be more coordination on spec files with Fedora Rawhide. Once upon a time, one could take RPMs from SUSE and rebuild them on Red Hat and vice versa, with minimal effort. When Red Hat passed up SUSE with newer, incompatible versions of RPM, this could no longer be done. Now users will start to share SRPMs again (because they can), and Red Hat and Novell could only benefit from behaving like their users do (i.e., cooperating with each other).
ARJ ARJ アーカイバの簡易バージョン GPL users
Autopackage ユーザーフレンドリーなパッケージマネージャー LGPL All users wanting to install linux software after install, especially from the internet. Autopackage could be integrated into OpenSUSE, not as a sole package manager yet, but as an alternative and encouraged method to install software. It will make a lot of users lives easier and it can handle most big open-source packages. It is currently version 1.07.
ccrypt ファイルとストリームの安全な暗号化、復号化ソフト GPL Tiago Gasiba ccrypt is a utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams. It was designed as a replacement for the standard unix crypt utility, which is notorious for using a very weak encryption algorithm. ccrypt is based on the Rijndael cipher. This cipher is believed to provide very strong security.
bioapi library 生体認証のライブラリ, e.g. 指紋認証スキャナ unclear Users The wish is also for full integration into authentification via pam and visible authentification in kdm/gdm/xdm together with good configuration abilities
cryptfs-luks cryptsetup-LUKS を用いたディスク全体の暗号化 GPL everyone with need for strong and transportable encryption, hmilz, liquidat I already have a working framework, either booting from an USB stick or modifying GRUB. Please contact me if you're interested. This is especially important because in many corporate environments, full disk encryption is a must, and there is no commercial product yet for this purpose. I'd expect such a feature in the upcoming Novell Linux Desktop 10.

It is the upcomming encryption standard which is already supported by gentoo and fedora core, the sources are easy to build on a Suse 10.0 system. There is a Windows implementation, too. It has some nice and important advantages compared to all other solutions.

It still has all the old problems of the cryptofs implementations for linux. For instance nobody ever looked closely on the initialisation vector generation of this implementation (ESSIV). There are other things too that are missing (See for instance this paper). Its better than cryptoloop i agree but its still not THE implementation we should switch to. -Henne

First: the problems around the initialisation vectors are very detailed described in the publications of Clemens Fruhwirth I read so it's not true that nobody ever looked closely on it. But anyway: these problems are problems of the linux and the design of the linux kernel - this is not a place to discuss it, and it is not a reason against adding this package! --liquidat

Lustre kernel patches クラスタファイルシステム GPL Cluster administrators SL-10.0-OSS has pleased me thus far with its collection of clustering tools. I have been able to setup commodity clusters with realative ease. However what is needed for true expansion is a highly scalable filesystem capable of storing 10s of terabytes. Large filesystems are what Lustre does best. SLES 9 incorporates these patches from the discs.
CDemu CUE/BIN 形式のCDイメージをループバックマウントするためのカーネルモジュール GPL v2 Users Definetly faster than bin2iso+loopmount, useful if some friend/collegue gives you CUE/BIN cd images
dbfs database filesystem リレーショナルデータベースを基にしたファイルシステム:メタデータを基にしてファイルを閲覧できます。 freeware User It's a student project but really great. Exactly what MS does with their WinFS, but miles ahead. Probably no replacement for reiser, but on a separate partition a huge improvement.
Elektra This is a registry system OSI-compatible
GFS エンタープライズ開発のためのオープンソースなクラスタファイルシステム GPL Cluster Admins It's a really usefull feature to have a cluster aware FS
gmailfs Gmail ファイルシステム GPL some persons with gmail-account GmailFS provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail account as its storage medium.
InitNG linux のブートを高速にできるsysvinitの代替 GPL All users If this init system could be included, then there will have no one to blame Linux for its slow booting speed anymore :-)
mksh MirBSD Korn Shell MirBSD/2+3-clause BSD/ISC Thorsten Glaser Enhanced pdksh derivate, see website for details. Is part of Debian, Gentoo, Crux, grml and others, too.
MultiSeat Linux like this (big) pdf 一つのLinux上でのマルチユーザー環境 GPL Internet cafes, schools, me This should replace this procedure and how it works fine
[1] WiFi MPPE/MPPC support for Kernel and PPPD MPPE/MPPC 暗号・復号法によるWifiを使うための kernel と PPPD のパッチ GPL users Existing support for MPPE in the kernel is not enough. Some people report to get "Unsupported protocol ..." error after succesfull authentication. The MPPE/MPPC is very poular standard, a lot of people have problems with it. Manually pathing kernel is rather hard for plain users.
OpenPKG 2.4 cross-platform package-handling-system OSI approved licenses Companies writing software for UNIX/LINUX/BSDs etc. Please see http://www.openpkg.org/license.html for further licensing information
python-distutils いくつかの Python モジュールのインストールに必要なもの PSF Python non-developers python-distutils is currently bundled with python-devel. But also non-developers need it, so there should be a stand-alone python-distutils.
pam-mysql PAM module backed by MySQL LGPL SysAdmins
rlocate File location program GPL v2 Users File locations are updated on the fly.

According to Msmeissn the kernel module is not clean, and the devs could better be using the audit frame work.

shfs Secure shell filesystem のカーネルモジュール GPL users "Mount ANY dir from ANY host in a SECURE way". They already include a way to make a rpm package, but it has to be rebuilt every time you upgrade the kernel. Would be nice if it was included.
squashfs Linux上の圧縮 read-only ファイルシステム GPL admins most bootable cd images are using squashfs. so it would be nice if it was possible to edit them in suse. for image mounting a kernel patch is needed, but since squashfs 3.0 "A new Unsquashfs utility has been added which allows Squashfs filesystems to be decompressed without mounting.", so it is possible to add squashfs support without kernel patches.
formatting abilities instead of install handy for those using installation disk for recovery GPL everyone I am just suggesting a small modification to the existing installer, so you can easilly partition and format, then exit. It's not plain how to do this at this moment.
TestDisk パーティション復旧ユーティリティ GPL v2 sysadmin and unlucky user Works with FAT, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3, RFS...
what's the difference to gpart? -kernelhacker
Testdisk is much more complete and nicer to use. For example, testdisk handles extended partitions, and let's you replace a corrupted NTFS boot sector with it's backup. -mikedep333
xsel X selectionsへのコマンドユーティリティ free (not sure what kind) users xsel is a utility to pipe to and from the current X selection from the command line. It is useful for many kinds of scripts. For example, I used it to create a script that would speak the current selection using festival.
